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Matthew Burchat
Portfolio Of
Game & Level Design
Odin's Trial
Odin's Trial is a game where you play as Tyr and are tasked by Odin to keep the sacred fire lit all night by fueling it with sticks that you find around the dark and spooky forest. However, a danger lurks in the forest, Fenrir the monstrous wolf, hunts you, especially while you're in the dark.
Trailer for Odin's Trial

Design Limitations
This project was made during "Design Challenge" week at my school in my third year. For this design challenge, we had to make a game that portrayed a feeling essentially, we chose "Being scared" as our feeling.
Teams consisted of 8 1st - 3rd years, unfortunately, only 4 of us actually showed up, making our team the smallest of the 35. This forced us to have a small scope and also take on multiple jobs. I was also the only 3rd year, so I felt like it was my job to make sure things went smoothly and we were working in scope.
Sound Design
I mainly worked as a sound designer, along with game designer. There was one day where I spent hours finding and editing sounds for our game, because I felt that in order to make the player scared, we focused less on jump scares and more so on the atmosphere and the sounds in our game.
I listened to a lot of wolves howling, but didn't really have the pitch I thought liked which is where I threw things into audacity and edited until I felt like they were how I imagined a wolf the size of Fenrir would have. This whole project made me realize how important and essential sound can be for games like this.

Sound Design Example
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