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Matthew Burchat
Portfolio Of
Game & Level Design
Momentum is a mobile puzzle game where you have to guide non-stop moving AI to the exit of the level using portals. The AI are like lemmings characters where they constantly move in one direction and if they hit a wall, they turn the opposite direction. Portals in our game function similar to how they work in the game "Portal" work.

Trailer for Flightless

Video Demonstration
Design Limitations
This is one of my projects that was made during "Design Challenge" week at my school in my first year. For this challenge's theme/restriction, teams were assigned a random game and had to demake the game to mobile, which is where we take an already existing game and make it for another platform. Our team decided that the core pillars of Portal were the puzzle aspect, as well as placing and making portals. Because it was a mobile game, we decided to make the main focus of the player on placing the portals, which is where the lemmings AI idea came in which was a way for players to not have to worry about controlling a character as well as placing portals.
Level Design
For this project, I made the prototype for the AI and then moved onto being the main level designer for the game. This was my first time ever doing Level Design for a project, even though I have always had an interest in it. Designing and creating these levels was probably one of the most enjoyable experiences I have had making games and is probably the point of which I knew that Level Design would be an aspect of Game Design that I would really enjoy doing along with other roles like UI and general Game Design.

Level Design example
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