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Matthew Burchat
Portfolio Of
Game & Level Design
Flightless is an arcade game where there are two flightless birds falling in the sky and they must fight over a parachute by moving and dashing. Whoever can hold the parachute for the longest wins the game. When a player is in control of the parachute they must mash a button in order to win the game, however they are vulnerable when doing so and if a player dashes into them, the parachute gets loose once again.
Trailer for Flightless
Design Limitations
This is one of my projects that was made during "Design Challenge" week at my school in my second year. This challenge's theme/restriction was to make an arcade game that can be played on actual arcade machines. As a team, we decided that the two most common arcade games were fighting games and button mash games so we decided to combine those two concepts but make it a fun and cute aesthetic.
UI design
For this project I worked as a UI Designer, helped with level design and also implemented animations for the parachute and the ostrich character. Although the UI is not much, it went through a lot of testing trying to figure out what is the best way to give feedback to players as to what was happening. What we ended up with was this bar when a player has the parachute. It's says mash, telling the player to spam the 'Mash' button and also a bar filling up to indicate how close they are to winning. It also grows and shrinks in size depending on how close the player is to winning.

UI example
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